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Award Nominations

Do you know of a person who is really outstanding in their work with the court reporting profession?

If you do, we need your help. We are looking for nominees for all of the awards that MAPCR has. We have many
deserving people that have worked for our profession to enhance it and, of course, great people within the profession.

Don Hansen Award Criteria

The Don Hansen Award is an award created in honor of Donald Hansen, a court reporter from Ingham County, who loved this Association and worked long and hard on its behalf.  The decade of the 70’s is replete with remarks about Don Hansen and by Don Hansen on the work he had done with legislators of our state on the behalf of court reporters.  He was a one-man firehouse.  He did it all.  Don died of cancer on January 10, 1979, and the first person to receive his award was Marguerite Holcomb, on October 16, 1981.

This award is to be given to those members of our association who have given of themselves above and beyond what is normally expected of even a dedicated member.  This award is not given lightly,  it is given with reverence and respect to those who deserve it.

Harry Howse Lifetime Service Award Criteria

The Harry House Lifetime Service Award is bestowed upon a retired reporter "based on a lifetime of dedication to the profession of reporting by a person who continues to offer inspiration and serves as a valuable resource to us all." This award is given to one recipient only per year and not necessarily given every year.

Alton Cobb Award Criteria

The Alton Cobb Award is established in honor of Alton Cobb. This award shall be given for outstanding work on a specific project or a certain issue having to do with furthering, enhancing, or honoring the reporting profession. This award is not for alifetime of service, nor does it have to be awarded to a court reporter. There may be more than one recipient per year.

Oliver Award Criteria

The Oliver Award is awarded for pro bono work and may be given yearly to one person for providing pro bono work in the previous year.
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