Registration Information & Agenda
Sponsor Information
Vendor Information
Session Highlights:
- Paint & Sip
- Tech Gadgets and Online Resources and Tips
- Spy Games: Decode Personality Types to Boost Communication
- Leveraging LinkedIn: Profile Makeover & Strategy Session
- Online Cloud Services - Dropbox vs Google Drive vs Onedrive: Comparing the Big Three
- Professional Practices
- Testing Strategies for All
- Steno Swap Official/Freelance
- Steno Swap Captioning/CART
Worth Business Equipment will be on site servicing machines!
Register before February 25th to save $25.
Hotel Informationl:
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
187 Monroe Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Check-In Time
The hotel’s check-in time is 4:00 p.m. Room assignments prior to that time are on an availability basis.
Check-Out Time
The hotel’s check-out time is 11:00 a.m.
To make your reservation, please call (800) 253-3590. The MAPCR room rate is $164++ per night. Remember to mention MAPCR when making your reservation. The cutoff date for room reservations is February 2, 2022. Any reservations received after this date will be accepted on a space- or rate-available basis.
Parking Self Parking: $32/night Valet: $35/night unlimited in and out privileges.
COVID-19 Information:
For the safety of our attendees MAPCR is following the CDC guidance on mask wearing. It is strongly recommended but not mandatory at this time.
When checking in at the registration desk you will have the choice of three different colored lanyards for your name badge. Please select the one for your social comfort level.
Red – STOP - please keep your 6 foot distance and no handshakes or elbow bumps
Yellow – CAUTION – elbow bumps are OK but no handshakes
Green – GO – handshakes are good with me
A Great Big Thanks to our Conference Sponsors!

The Jorgensen Family Fund
Newman Court Reporting, LLC
Cindy Chyla, CSR, RPR