Consent Preferences

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  • 11 Aug 2014 4:21 PM
    Message # 3071155

    Does anyone know where I can find the rule to cite to a law firm that they cannot just send a copy of the transcript they ordered to the other parties instead of paying for the copies in an appeal situation?  

    I have an attorney who just emailed me and said that once the appeal is accepted by the Court of Appeals they are going to circulate a copy of the transcript to all of the other parties.  I'm going to respond that she can't do that, but would like to show her why she can't.  Thanks in advance!!

  • 12 Aug 2014 8:55 AM
    Reply # 3071549 on 3071155

    Hi, Jessica.  I know I answered this on Facebook for you but I wanted to post here as well in case anyone else had this question:

    The court rules say that the ordering party has to provide copies to the other side on appeal, but not that they have to get it from the reporter. You can simply say to the ordering side that if they would like "certified" copies, that she will need to order from you. It's been more of a way of practice that we've gotten our copies paid for by the ordering attorney, but it's not mandatory. MCR 7.109(B)(3)(c).

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